Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
A Touch of Civic Pride
We were delighted to welcome Angela Kilmartin, a former conservative district councillor for Witham Town and Braintree, to this week’s That’s Debatable podcast. In this refreshingly frank discussion, Angela eloquently recounts the story of how she was formally investigated for expressing on her private Facebook account, her opposition to the flying of pride flags . At the end of the process, the district council’s monitoring officer advised Angela to go undergo Equality Act and ‘emotional intelligence’ training. As you will hear, Angela is not exactly the sort of person willing to be pushed around in this manner. Far from caving in and subjecting herself to Maoist emotional re-education, she continues to exercise her political voice to great effect from the public gallery at council meetings. After the discussion with Angela, in part two, Ben and Tom round-off the episode by pulling together their own thoughts on the themes covered.